Terms of Service

"You throw down double standard after double standard and claim you're being bullied just because someone can express their disagreement with better articulation than you." Express their disagreement with better articulation?, let's see... * Offensive caricatures ridicule articles. * Using personal images (photos etc;) to identify the individual. * Using stills from their personal or… Continue reading Terms of Service

Forever Alone

Þ biggest hassle wiþ strips like þis is þ formatting. Originally, it was all on one horizontal panel, which I liked from an aesþetic standpoint because þ horizontal scrolling makes me þink of Emakimono, picture scrolls. Unfortunately, I realize it's a bit inconvenient for people on G+ given how þse pages are formatted (WordPress isn't… Continue reading Forever Alone

Round and Round

Isn't it hilarious when flat-earþrs use vanishing point to explain sunrises and sunsets on a flat earþ but don't consider what it means if people actually try and apply þose basic principles of perspective to þ model? +Gadget Guy (WannaB.O.B.) has yet to address þis most serious flaw in þ model of our world he clings… Continue reading Round and Round

Þ Collected “Rebuttals” of WannaB.O.B.

WannaB.O.B.: Let me ask you this specific question, have YOU yourself observed the Earth moving around the Sun spinning on it's axis?, and what exactly do you mean "mundane circumstances?". Following my response represented by þis graphic: WannaB.O.B.: So you avoid attempting to answer any of the questions I have put forward only to be asked this utter… Continue reading Þ Collected “Rebuttals” of WannaB.O.B.

WannaB.O.Brb II: The Lazening

Þ last time WannaB.O.B. tried to actually produce a body of evidence for his case of þ earþ being flat, he merely copied text from a video on Eric Dubay's channel. Since þn, he's tried þ bland tactic of shifting burden of proof, or even make his case for him wholesale. He's become so lazy… Continue reading WannaB.O.Brb II: The Lazening


So, here's what I have so far to bring to the attention of J.L. Forbes, self-proclaimed Rebel Against the Globe, as far as her New Age Revisionist history of the patriarchy bringing down the man, er, woman goddesses (who were equal to mortal males, somehow) to promote a globular earth instead of a flat one (I… Continue reading Estrogenesis